Основные публикации
1. Sheindlin M.A. et. al. "Recent advances in the study of high-temperature behaviour of non-stoichiometric TaCx, HfCx and ZrCx carbides in the domain of their congruent melting point" Adv. Appl. Ceram. 2018. vol. 117 pp. s48-s55 https://doi.org/10.1080/17436753.2018.1510819
2. Фролов А.М., Петухов С.В., Фаляхов Т.М., Шейндлин М.А."Масс-спектрометрический анализ лазерно-индуцированного испарения карбида тантала до 4900 К" Вестник ОИВТ РАН 2018, Том 1. стр. 43-46
3. Brykin M.V. Sheindlin M.A. " On Particularities of the Vapor Pressure Measurements of Refractory Substances at Very High Temperatures" High. Temp. 2018 Vol. 56 №5. pp. 783-788 https://doi.org/10.1134/S0018151X18050279
4. Sheindlin M. A. et. al. "Detection of trace impurities by time-of-flight mass spectrometry with laser-induced evaporation" High. Temp. 2017 Vol. 55 №1. pp. 57-62 https://doi.org/10.1134/S0018151X16050084
5. Stepanov, S.V., Sheindlin, M.A. " Statistical analysis of measurement results in multiwavelength pyrometry" High. Temp. 2017 Vol. 55 №5 pp. 802-807 https://doi.org/10.1134/S0018151X17040204
6. Brykin, M.V. " Enthalpy and numerical simulation of phase transitions in a Zr–C system" High. Temp. 2015 Vol. 53 №6 pp. 810-816
7. Brykin, M.V., Sheindlin, M. A. "Calculation of vapor composition produced by incongruent laser vaporization of uranium dioxide in vacuum" High Temp-High Press. 2014. Vol. 43 №2-3 pp. 101-113